Wednesday, December 5, 2012

December Gifts: ISO 21500 & Quality in Project Management

ISO 21500:2012 Guidance on Project Management

ISO issued a new standard ISO 21500 Guidance on Project Management In September 2012. The new standard describes concepts and processes that are considered to form good practices in project management.
We offer you an opportunity to become familiar with ISO 21500 in practical applications along with another international standard ISO 10006 Quality in Project Management by participating in the training program Navigating the ISO 21500 Guidance on Project Management.

Register in Dec 2012 and we will to introduce you to this program by giving you the first module at no cost. 

The program is led by Karen Creditor who has practical experience as a project management executive leading PM offices and has successfully managed million dollar programs for enterprise level companies, including Monsanto, Peabody Energy, Research in Motion, and Marsh Company.

December Blog
Read Karen’s post in our December blog: Project Management vs Quality – How to Stop Making Each Other Crazy!